Flaming Bag of Wit

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Man... This just sucks...

Jerry Orbach 1935-2004

You should rent 'Toy Soldiers'... Really...

Oh Jerry, no matter where you are - Just remember: Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner...

Monday, December 20, 2004

It's too late to stop now...
- Van Morrison

I'm frustrated. I keep seeing all these whining liberal PC-thug types crying about how offended they are that they have to experience anything that has to do with the Christmas holiday.

Me? Personally... I'm disgusted by the fact that people start selling and shopping for this one day mere moments after Halloween is over. I'm disgusted by people who treat the event like it's a massive burden. Mostly, I'm just disgusted with the way people treat a perfectly nice holiday.

You get a day off.
Peace among people seems so obvious.
For one day people get to stop worrying...

Or do they?

Nope. Sadly, many do not. See, I'm disgusted, but I'm also amazed at how someone can go to court to make sure their lazy-fat-assed kid is guaranteed NOT to see or hear or experience ANYTHING that even comes VAGUELY close to having religious connotations. Sure, sure... I understand Separation of Church and State. But we're not talking about a Judge telling a murderer that God told him to hand down a sentence. We're not talking about a teacher telling kids Creationism is THE one true way life started.

But that's not good enough, huh? Like all good liberals, they need to filter and homogonize till it's completely bland and void of any meaning so that no one gets offended in even the slightest...

You know what offends me? Whiney soccer-moms who complain about their kids hearing "Silent Night" in school, when there are kids who will wake up on Christmas morning and not even get breakfast. But that's not as important, when you think about being faced with the dilemma of your ADD-Fuckhead kid coming home asking you who Jesus was...

But hey... We need to live in a non-offensive "A-for-Effort" world where there are safety-covers on all the electrical sockets and no dirty words and no conflicts or competition whatsoever. Won't it be great? A gallery for every artist! No veal or Foie Gras! Free love will reign on forever!!!

Ah, fuck it... Why bother?