Flaming Bag of Wit

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

When I see you my love,
I see what's in your mind...
You love me?
Yes you do...

- Pizzicato Five (Baby Love Child)

For those of you piecing my life together through the various blogs I am mentioned in, probably don't know how bad I've felt this week. I caught some seriously haggard shit of a cold and it's been making me miserable.

But, and there is always a "but", I've had Kerrie there to take care of me this past week. I am seriously blown away by this... Through all my bitching and whining, hacking, coughing, running nose, sinus pressure, fatigue, sore throat, pale skin, and general cold-related Grossness - she has been right there.

No one has ever done that for me before. No one.

She is amazing. End of discussion.

So, the election kind of sucked. What can I say? Half the people in this country want one thing, the other half want something else. We were screwed either way, but it all came down to who was going to give us a reach-around once they got elected. (Hint: NOT GWB...)

So, here... To take your mind off of our collective impending doom, check out these great sites:

http://www.anthonybourdain.com (My hero...)

http://www.wd-50.com/index.html (Features brilliant Pastry Chef Sam Mason and all his fucked up food-related concoctions. So Cool!)

http://www.black-market-babies.com (So damn funny...)

http://cooksmuse.com/index.html (Cool AND useful...)

Music I'm Listening To This Week:
D-Fuse - People
MixMag presents Disco D'N'B
GO Soundtrack
Public Enemy - It Takes A Nation of Millions To Hold Us Back
The Clash - London Calling

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

What we're dealin' with here... Is a COMPLETE lack of respect for The Law...
- Jackie Gleason

Kristy and Tom came to the Grill today and after they left, I suddenly was hit with the blinding light of the obvious.

See, I think my life's calling is to become an Evil Leaper. For those of you not in the know, Evil Leaper is a reference to the show "Quantum Leap". In the show, Scott "I'm now part of the Star Trek dynasy" Bakula would jump in and out of peoples lives and fix problems they were much to pathetic, lazy, slothful, or just plain stupid to handle by themselves. Near the end of the series, they introduced the Evil Leaper, who was basically jumping in and out of peoples lives and fucking them up beyond all repair. I should SO be an Evil Leaper...

And seeing as today IS election day, I regret that Travis and I didn't embrace our inner-Evil Leaper, take the day off from work, and go out and disenfranchise voters. And I'm so into it! Basically, if you're too stupid to know that voting DOESN'T get cancelled or moved, you're too stupid to vote. Kristy brought up a good point though: Everyone has the right to vote. True dat. But thanks to my twisted cynical thinking, I kinda-sorta-maybe remember a point in time where people had the "right" to own slaves.

Just because you have "the right" to do something doesn't make it a great idea. I'll quote Chris Rock here and say: You can drive with your feet... That don't make it a good fuckin' idea!

I've never voted. Back in the good ole days, voting lead to jury duty and, well, my time is precious. You know?

But now... man oh man... I refuse to get involved with this fist-fuck you people refer to as an election. We -the obviously well-informed people- let one ass monkey TAKE the White House, and the best they could do was put up Kerry as the opposing candidate? Well, at least if he wins I can walk around saying: "At least we've got Edwards in the White House..." (Tee hee hee... Miscreant...)

"Fuck this weird shit..."
- Billy, listening to 88.1FM