Flaming Bag of Wit

Sunday, August 15, 2004

We could be Heros... Just for One Day...
- David Bowie

Sorry folks, It's been a while, I know...

So many things going on, and I'm caught in the middle of it all without any way of sorting it out. Of course there is work, there is the on-going fiasco with the "Music Computer", and my inability to make any progress with Anne.

I'm Exhausted.

Let's start with Work. I work 6 days a week and I love it. For all the shit I put up with, I wouldn't change any of it. Surly Bob is amazing to work with -and I'll elaborate on that in a moment- and I feel like I'm producing something tangible. I love baking pies and cakes and muffins. It's what I do, you know? This week, on Friday, we made Stuffed Peppers and it was thrilling for me! I was, for all intensive purposes, in charge of getting them done. It felt like the old days when I had my shit together. You know, back before Hannah and Marco's broke me. I started my day by baking a chocolate-mayo cake, then got the food order put away. After that, I got the baked Potatoes in the oven and started prepping the peppers. I mixed the beef with all the ingredients, then Surly Bob and I cut all the peppers in half (30 of them) and we stuffed them with the beef. We got them in the oven at 9:30am and went outside for the first of many breaks. At 11:15, we pulled the peppers out and got them set up for lunch. It was glorious. They looked good, and everything went -basically- according to schedule. Yes, there was a little Larry-interference and the Baked Potatoes took a bit longer than anticipated (because of our ghetto-assed oven) but we took care of it...

Saturday was a pretty dead day. Well, not "dead" exactly. We were pretty busy, and I worked my ass off, but I felt damn near numb inside. I was thinking of the previous week and about how Bob will be going to Third Shift soon and I got... Numb.

This week was off-the-wall. I went out with Anne on Wednesday and... you know, Wow. We went to Carabas for dinner and then to see The Village afterwards. The Village, by the way, is a pretty predictable movie. I figured it out pretty quickly, despite the few curves Shamylan throws at you.

After the movie, Anne dropped me off and... And nothing. Either I dropped the ball, or she wasn't into it. I just don't know. But I didn't give up. We went out to SamB's for dinner on Thursday and we talked for hours. But again, a quick "friend" hug and a quicker departure. Also, Anne looked really hot Thursday night. Just needed to be said, you know?

I got a call from Edwards on Thursday too. Yeah, it was Lunch Rush but screw it. We talked for a few minutes and I got all psyched up for the impending SD-Vegas-Run. I think I'll just keep watching the Jackass Movie over and over to prep myself for this one...

Speaking of being a Jackass, Surly Bob and I had one of the most amazing days on Friday. Of course, there was my All Time High with the peppers (Sorry about the James Bond reference...) but the real moment of humor came when Bob was slicing a pork loin. First there were a slew of phallic jokes, but that was to be expected. The moment of truth was when Bob said "Hey, wanna have some fun?" to me. I looked at him and he was straight-faced, looking down at the loin, methodically slicing perfect chunks for sandwiches. I said that of course I wanted to have some fun, and he just started walking away with the ass-end of the loin. I followed him out of the prep area, through the dining room, and out the front door and it immediately clicked as to what was about to happen. He had a fierce scowl on his face as the stared silently across the street at Squeakers Vegetarian Cafe. We waited for the light to change and we crossed the street. Bob lit a cigarette and kept walking casually, I however started cracking up uncontrollably. Bob made a quick pass and tossed the pork-butt down in front of their door and kept walking.

"Fuck them for not hiring me cuz I'm not a vegetarian..."
- Surly Bob

See, there are a lot of childish antics in my line of work. Sometimes I'll be in the bathroom and flames will shoot under the door. Sometimes I get beaned in the head with a fried potato skin. You never know what might happen when you work in a kitchen. Drunks, convicts, addicts, crazy people...

Now, I have to say I'm getting sick of this shit my computer. Three motherboards, and a lot of static from people who need a good cock-punching. All I can say is that after another round of trying very hard to get this fiasco under control, I have yet again taken another hit.

"I swear to God, dude... The whole world is against us..."
- Jason Mewes

I think I'll ask Anne over for dinner this week. I was inspired this morning at Panera to make this clever meal:

Cheese Plate: Grilled Focaccia, Parmesan Cheese, Sliced Apples, Prosciutto, and Herbed Butter
1'st Plate: Antipasto Salad
2'nd Plate: Steaks with Herbs de Provence and Tossed greens with Tomato & Red Onion Compote
Dessert: Cheesecake with Grilled pear and Caramel sauce

5 Songs for a Numb Week:
Nilsson - Without You
Philip Glass - Heros Symphony
Low - Venus
U2 - All I Want Is You
Rolling Stone - Beast of Burden

"Okay guys, no more 'breaks' today..."
- Larry
- Surly Bob
"I came THIS close to setting him on Fire..."
- Me
"I just don't know what to say..."
- Edwards (PS- thanks for the quote in your blog, but you can "put my name on that shit...")

Sunday, August 01, 2004

Nobody knows me like my baby...
- Lyle Lovitt

Do things happen for a reason or is it all just coincidence? I mean, am I where I am for a greater reason than to be a low-rent chef?

As I sit and recall the last few weeks of my life, I just can't help but wonder, exactly, what the fuck is going on. I mean, Anne doesn't call for like 5 weeks, then all the sudden she wants to go out and of course there was the drama of dealing with producing the music for Adam Cooke's wedding, catering some desserts for the reunion, the Secret Service breaking balls in BG over John Kerry being here, and of course - Working.

I feel drained, cuz it's all over now. We did the reunion (Anne looked so hot...), produced a phenomenal version of U2's "All I want is You" for the wedding, and made jokes at the SS's expense.

My finger healed up.
I took care of Baxter's Bonsai tree and DIDN'T kill it.
I made dinner for Trisha.
I went to breakfast with Anne.
I saw Jeb's band play and left my brother in the back yard because he got so drunk.
We went to Ann Arbor to take pictures.
I configured my Sound Card to work in harmony with an SB Live!

I feel so frustrated right now. Something is so seriously missing. I'm so edgy right now, I can feel my body shivering. Is it Anne? Should I call her? Is it all the wacko liberals waiting in my front lawn to see Kerry? Should I get out my hose? I mean, WHAT?

I'm really tired right now, to be honest. Maybe I just need a big "sammich" and a nap.

I went to breakfast with Kristy and Tom this morning at El Zarrape and we talked about this and that. After we ate, they came back to my place and we sat on the porch and watched the line for the John Kerry Show grow to mammoth proportions. We listened to the High Fidelity soundtrack and some SvsS while people walked by. Baxter, his with and their cute friend Sarah rolled by after a while. Sarah waved to me and Baxter came and sat on the porch and we talked.

Eventually, and I don't know exactly what happened, the cops came through and hoarded everyone back to South Main street. It was like the great Exodus seeing all those people swelling forward.

I want to write some music, but I'm having a bit of a block and a lot of hardware issues. My new MB should be here by Wednesday so I don't want to get over involved with any work until I have my dedicated machine to work on. (sigh)

There is so much more going on, but I'm just too exhausted to go any further...

"Why do they call it Blueberry Buckle and not Blueberry Coffeecake?"
- Jay
"Cuz then it wouldn't rhyme with FUCK anymore."
- Surly Bob

"We all know who Marshall is voting for: Kerry and Edwards... Edwards, man, job's goin' great...."
- Tom